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  • Customized hydrogen chloride based laser mixed gas
    Customized hydrogen chloride based laser mixed gas
  • Customized hydrogen chloride based laser mixed gas

    Hydrogen chloride based laser mixed gas is a mixture of electronic grade hydrogen chloride and other electronic grade gases in different compositions and ratios. The product is applied in semiconductor chips, high-end medical beauty and other fields.

    • 0.00
Product Description

Hydrogen chloride based laser mixed gas is a mixture of electronic grade hydrogen chloride and other electronic grade gases in different compositions and ratios. The product is applied in semiconductor chips, high-end medical beauty and other fields.

Hydrogen chloride based laser mixed gas is a mixture of electronic grade hydrogen chloride and other electronic grade gases in different compositions and ratios. The product is applied in semiconductor chips, high-end medical beauty and other fields.

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Production Equipment
  • Deuterated methane

    Deuterated methane

    Isotope Deuteration Series Product



    Deuterated isotope products refer to deuterated compounds generated by replacing hydrogen in hydrogen containing compounds with its isotope deuterium, which are used in high-tech fields such as DRAM, nuclear fusion, medicine, and optical fibers.

  • Deuterium fluoride

    Deuterium fluoride

    Isotope Deuteration Series Product



    Deuterated isotope products refer to deuterated compounds generated by replacing hydrogen in hydrogen containing compounds with its isotope deuterium, which are used in high-tech fields such as DRAM, nuclear fusion, medicine, and optical fibers.

  • 5%F₂/N₂ Mixed gas

    5%F₂/N₂ Mixed gas

    Electronic Grade Fluorine Mixed Gas



    Electronic grade fluorine gas (≥ 99.99%) is mixed with electronic grade nitrogen gas, argon gas, helium gas, and neon gas in a ratio of 20% or less.

  • 5%F₂/Ar Mixed gas

    5%F₂/Ar Mixed gas

    Electronic Grade Fluorine Mixed Gas



    Electronic grade fluorine gas (≥ 99.99%) is mixed with electronic grade nitrogen gas, argon gas, helium gas, and neon gas in a ratio of 20% or less.

  • 5%F₂/He Mixed gas

    5%F₂/He Mixed gas

    Electronic Grade Fluorine Mixed Gas



    Electronic grade fluorine gas (≥ 99.99%) is mixed with electronic grade nitrogen gas, argon gas, helium gas, and neon gas in a ratio of 20% or less.

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